Jan Slater lives in the Staffordshire Moorlands and studied Contemporary Art and Design at Leek College of Art. She was brought up in a Lancashire cotton town and much of her work reflects the marks, patterns and texture of textiles. She often uses her textile background to create unique hand painted lampshades and cushions.
The landscape of the Moorlands provides the inspiration for her abstract mixed media art. Colour infuses her paintings giving them life and marks create movement and atmosphere. Each painting  begins with sketches and photography in the landscape as she explores the Moorlands.
Through the sketches and photographs she looks for interesting patterns and marks to build into her work by layering paint and using tools to scratch into and remove areas of paint to create a textured surface. The process enables suggestions of grasses, trees, walls and fields to emerge whilst the wonderful big skies reflect colour and shadows to showcase the wonderful Staffordshire Moorlands.
Jan has exhibited her work across the country and locally, winning awards for her abstract art.

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